Current selection: SCI Seminars for 2021

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Date Title   Speaker Affiliation Series Room
Thu 15:00
16 Dec 2021
New light on the stellar and nebular chemical abundances of high-redshift galaxies Print Abstract Ricardo Amorín Universidad de La Serena, Chile SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
02 Dec 2021
The physical properties, acceleration mechanism and impact of AGN outflows from low to high redshift Print Abstract Giovanni Cresci INAF Arcetri, Italy SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
18 Nov 2021
Planets in External Galaxies Print Abstract Rosanne Di Stefano Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory / Harvard University, USA SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
04 Nov 2021
The characterization of NuSTAR scattered light for galaxy cluster observations Print Abstract Ayşegül Tümer University of Utah, USA SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
28 Oct 2021
An ALMA view of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization Print Abstract Renske Smit Liverpool John Moores University, UK SCI Virtual Only
Wed 15:00
20 Oct 2021
Women in Astrophysics Print Abstract Jocelyn Bell Burnell University of Oxford, UK SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
14 Oct 2021
Tales of stars and tidal tails: A story from our neighborhood seen by Gaia Print Abstract Tereza Jerabkova ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
07 Oct 2021
Exocomets and the gaseous component around main-sequence stars Print Abstract Isabel Rebollido Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA SCI Virtual Only
Wed 15:00
29 Sep 2021
CHEOPS and exoplanets Print Abstract Didier Queloz ETH Zürich, Switzerland SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
23 Sep 2021
On the puzzle of the origin of lithium rich K giant stars Print Abstract Ramiro de la Reza Observatório Nacional - MCTIC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil SCI ESAC
Thu 15:00
16 Sep 2021
Focus on the Extremes: Harnessing the Power of Hard X-ray Focusing Optics to Probe Events Ranging from Solar Microflares to Stellar Superflares Print Abstract Juliana Vievering Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Maryland, USA SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
22 Jul 2021
A multi-tracer view on the assembly of galaxy halos and intra-group light in nearby groups and clusters Print Abstract Johanna Hartke European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
08 Jul 2021
Binaries, galaxies and gravitational waves Print Abstract Martyna Chruślińska Radboud University / IMAPP, Nijmegen, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
01 Jul 2021
Revealing the Source of Jupiter's X-ray Auroral Flares Print Abstract William Dunn MSSL, University College London, UK SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
24 Jun 2021
Space-borne gravitational wave detectors -- an overview Print Abstract Oliver Jennrich ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
17 Jun 2021
The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse: was the most famous red supergiant star blinking at us? Print Abstract Miguel Montargès LESIA, Observatoire de Paris - PSL, France SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
10 Jun 2021
The Importance of being Interpretable Print Abstract Michelle Ntampaka Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
03 Jun 2021
Gas-poor clusters: what kind of beasts are they? Print Abstract Stefano Andreon INAF-OA Brera, Milan, Italy SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
27 May 2021
Beyond the fiery donut: the Event Horizon Telescope and black hole "engines" Print Abstract Sera Markoff API/GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
20 May 2021
ESASky: a tool for all astronomers Print Abstract Deborah Baines Quasar Science Resources, ESAC, Madrid, Spain SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
06 May 2021
Supercomputer insights into the messy physics of galaxy formation Print Abstract Volker Springel Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
22 Apr 2021
Near-Earth objects: space exploration and planetary defense Print Abstract Julia de León Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, La Palma, Spain SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
15 Apr 2021
Deciphering Mars chronicles by space missions Print Abstract Dmitri Titov ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
08 Apr 2021
Exploring the deep and variable X-ray sky with the catalogue from overlapping XMM-Newton observations Print Abstract Iris Traulsen Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics, AIP, Potsdam, Germany SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
25 Mar 2021
The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Print Abstract Hakan Svedhem ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
11 Mar 2021
Hierarchical models and asteroseismic rotation Print Abstract Oliver Hall ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
04 Mar 2021
Hubble Asteroid Hunter: exploring data archives with citizen science and deep learning Print Abstract Sandor Kruk ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
25 Feb 2021
Probing water-rock-organic chemistry interactions in the early terrestrial planets: why is Oxia Planum the right landing site for ExoMars 2022? Print Abstract Jorge Vago & Elliot Sefton-Nash ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
18 Feb 2021
How to Build a Big Galaxy Print Abstract Adam Muzzin York University, Toronto, Canada SCI Virtual Only
Thu 15:00
04 Feb 2021
X-ray reverberation mapping accreting black holes Print Abstract William Alston ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain SCI Virtual Only

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