2016 The Next Decade - XMM-Newton
XMM-Newton 2016 Science Workshop
XMM-Newton: The Next Decade
ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 9 - 11 May 2016
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Printed Proceedings
The refereed proceedings articles have been published in volume 338 02-03 (March 2017) of the Astronomische Nachrichten / Astronomical Notes (AN).
Online Presentations
All contributions are listed with title and name of first author. All abstracts and electronic materials, if available, will also be stored in the ADS. The electronic versions can be accessed in pdf format by clicking on the titles.
Oral Presentations
Opening remarks, Martin Ward
Session I: Present X-ray missions
- 10+ more years of Chandra-XMM-Newton Synergy, Belinda Wilkes
- Report of Hitomi (ASTRO-H), Takaya Ohashi
- High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy: the coming-of-age, Jelle Kaastra
Session II: Future X-ray missions
- Athena: ESA\'s X-ray observatory to study the Hot and Energetic Universe in the late 2020s, Xavier Barcons
- eROSITA on SRG, Peter Predehl
Session III: Complementary issues (multi-wavelength synergies)
- Synergy with new radio facilities: from LOFAR to SKA, Raffaella Morganti
- Synergies with ALMA and mm/submm facilities, Helen Russell
- Synergies with the infrared, David Alexander
- Perspectives for High-Energy Astrophysics at ESO, Vincenzo Mainieri
- Gaia: status, upcoming data releases and the mission archive, Xavier Luri
- Synergies with CTA and VHE Astrophysics, Werner Hofmann
- Discussion: X-ray & Synergy, Led by D. Alexander, X. Barcons, J. Kaastra, B. Wilkes
Session IV: Solar system, exo-planets, Stars "hot/cool"
- Exoplanets and their Host Stars, Juergen Schmitt
- X-ray studies of solar system objects: now and the next decade, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont
- Cool star X-ray variability, Beate Stelzer
- Stellar X-ray accretion signatures, Christian Schneider
- Perspectives for hot stars in the next decade, Gregor Rauw
Session V: Compact ObjectsI: BH and Neutron star systems, SN/GRBs
- Magnetars: recent discoveries and synergies with multi-band facilities, Nanda Rea
- The X-ray outburst of the Galactic Centre magnetar SGR 1745-2900 during the first 1.5 year, Francesco Coti Zelati
- A new approach to observe toroidal magnetic fields of magnetars, Hiroaki Murakami
- Discussion: Planets & Stars & Magnetars, Led by G. Branduardi-Raymont, G. Rauw, N. Rea, B. Stelzer
Session VI: Compact Objects I: BH and Neutron star systems, SN/GRBs
- An XMM-Newton Science Archive for next decade, and its integration into ESASky, Nora Loiseau
- The EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky, Andrea De Luca
- Follow-up of isolated neutron star candidates from the eROSITA survey, Adriana Mancini Pires
- Phase-dependent absorption features in X-ray spectra of XDINSs, Alice Borghese
- X-ray Sources in the Magellanic Clouds: analysis of 15 Years of XMM-Newton and Chandra Observations, Jun Yang
- XMM-Newton and NuSTAR joint observation of the periodic Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J11215-5952, Lara Sidoli
- Glancing through the accretion column of EXO 2030+375, Carlo Ferrigno
- Binaries across the spectrum - the case for simultaneous multi-wavelength studies, Matthew Middleton
- Very faint X-ray binaries with XMM-Newton, Montserrat Armas Padilla
- Leveraging High Resolution Spectra to Understand the Disk and Relativistic Iron Line of Cygnus X-1, Michael Nowak
- XMM-Newton reveals extreme winds in ultraluminous X-ray sources, Ciro Pinto
- Coronal geometry at low mass-accretion rates from XMM and NuSTAR spectra, Felix Fuerst
Session VII: Compact Objects II: supermassive black holes
- Outflows, Feedback and SMBH/Galaxy Co-Evolution, Massimo Cappi
- XMM-Newton, powerful AGN winds and galaxy feedback, Ken Pounds
- Magnified Views of Relativistic Outflows in Gravitationally Lensed Quasars, George Chartas
- Can supermassive black holes influence the evolution of their host galaxies?, Francesco Tombesi
- VLP - High-Redshift AGNs and the X-SERVS Survey, William Brandt
- Combined X-Ray and mm-Wave Observations of Radio Quiet Active Galaxies, Ehud Behar
- On the Origin of the Soft X-ray excess in radio quiet AGN, Pierre-Olivier Petrucci
- Tidal disruption of stars by SMBHs, Stefanie Komossa
- Unveiling the AGN activity in multiple SMBH systems: the remarkable case of SDSS J0959+1259, Alessandra De Rosa
- XMM-Newton reveals matter accreting onto the central supermassive black hole of NGC 2617, Margherita Giustini
- The origin of UV-optical variability in AGN and its relationship to X-ray variability, Ian McHardy
- Reverberation Mapping: Status and Future , Andrew Fabian
- AGN spectral states from simultaneous UV and X-ray observations by XMM-Newton, Jiri Svoboda
- Discussion: Binary & AGN, Led by S.Komossa, F. Paerels, J. Wilms
Session VIII: Diffuse emission I; SNRs
- Supernova remnants, Anne Decourchelle
- Investigating the galactic Supernova Remnant Kes 78 with XMM-Newton, Marco Miceli
- Detailed studies of shock-cloud interaction toward the young supernova remnants, Hidetoshi Sano
- X-ray observations of Galactic H.E.S.S. sources: an update, Gerd Pühlhofer
- Discussion: AGN & SNR, Led by M. Cappi, G. Chartas, A. Decourchelle, I. McHardy
Session IX: Diffuse emission II; Halos, WHIM and dark matter
- The Hot Gaseous Halos of Spiral Galaxies, Joel Bregman
- A Decade of WHIM search: Where do We Stand and Where do We Go, Fabrizio Nicastro
- The Nature of Dark Matter (including alternative interpretations), Alexey Boyarsky
Session X: Diffuse emission II; large-scale outflows, Clusters of Galaxies
- What have we learned from the XMM-Newton surveys of Local Group Galaxies?, Frank Haberl
- Cluster outskirts and the missing baryons, Dominique Eckert
- The XMM view of the outskirts of galaxy groups, Fabio Gastaldello
- EPIC 2.0: a second youth for XMM-Newton's workhorse., Silvano Molendi
- Quenching the X-ray spectrum of hot halos with AGN outflows and turbulence, Massimo Gaspari
- Baryon content and dynamic state of galaxy clusters, Daniel Q. Wang
- CHEERS: The Chemical Enrichment RGS Sample, Jelle de Plaa
- The Role of XMM for Present and Next Generation SZ Experiments, Etienne Pointecouteau
- Mass-to-Light-Ratios of the galaxy clusters and groups observed with Suzaku, Toru Sasaki
- Characterizing Planck SZ detected clusters with X-ray observations, Lorenzo Lovisari
- Towards combined analysis of the most distant massive galaxy clusters with XMM and Chandra, Iacopo Bartalucci
- What X-ray images and CCD energy resolution can tell us about the physics of ICM, Eugene Churazov
- Discussion: Galaxies & Clusters, Led by J. Bregman, A. Fabian, M. Pierre, T. Reiprich
Session XI: Surveys & Cosmology
- Deep X-ray surveys, Andrea Comastri
- Compton Thick AGN in the XMM-COSMOS field, Giorgio Lanzuisi
- The Wide-Area X-ray Survey in the Legacy Stripe 82 Field, Stephanie LaMassa
- Cosmology with AGN: can we use quasars as standard candles?, Guido Risaliti
- The XXL survey: first results and future, Marguerite Pierre
- Evolution of Clusters and Cosmology, Monique Arnaud
- Follow-up of eROSITA and Euclid Clusters, Thomas Reiprich
- Discussion: Cosmology & Summary, Led by M. Arnaud, T. Ohashi, J. Schmitt, M. Ward
Poster Presentations
Present Xray missions
- SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer): X-ray imaging of the Sun-Earth connection, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont
Future X-ray missions
- ESASky: a new Astronomy Multi-Mission Interface, Deborah Baines
- Synergy between X-ray observations of the luminous Type IIn supernova SN 2005ip and optical integral field spectroscopy data from CALIFA and MUSE, Enrica Bellocchi
- The effects of dust scattering on high-resolution X-ray absorption edge structure, Lia Corrales
- Characterization of the X-ray absorption in the Galactic ISM, Efrain Gatuzz
- The X-ray and radio views of the gamma-ray emitting Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 2004-447, Annika Kreikenbohm
- INTEGRAL upper limits on gamma-ray emission associated with the gravitational wave event GW150914, Volodymyr Savchenko
- The lamppost model of accreting black holes, Andrzej Zdziarski
Complementary Issues & multi-wavelength synergies
Solar System & exo-planets
- XMM-Newton Observations of TW PIC in comparison with the Archival SWIFT and RXTE data, Solen Balman
- The Galactic supersoft X-ray binary RXJ0925.7-4758 (MR Vel ), Monmoyuri Baruah
- Probing the clumpy winds of giant stars with high mass X-ray binaries, Victoria Grinberg
- Unresolved Soft X-ray Emissions from the Galactic Plane, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi
- Results from DROXO. IV. EXTraS discovery of an X-ray flare from the Class I protostar candidate ISO-Oph 85, Daniele Pizzocaro
- The connection between stellar rotation and X-ray activity in the sample of Kepler mission, Daniele Pizzocaro
- X-ray cycles and magnetic activity of solar-like stars, Jan Robrade
- X-rays from Pre-Main Sequence Stars: Recent Results and Future Challenges, Stephen Skinner
Stars, CVs etc.
- Modelling of ionization instability driven outbursts in Low Mass X-ray Binaries, Patrycja Baginska
- IGR J17451-3022: a dipping and eclipsing low mass X-ray binary, Enrico Bozzo
- The long XMM-Newton observational campaign on IGR J17544-2619, Enrico Bozzo
- Peculiar neutron star Calvera in optical and X-rays, Andrey Danilenko
- Long term temporal and spectral evolution of point sources in nearby elliptical galaxies, Duygu Durmuş
- A test of truncation in the accretion discs of X-ray Binaries., Alexander Eckersall
- The soft X-ray spectrum of transient pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Nicola La Palombara
- Hard-to-soft state transition of the Neutron Star LMXB Aquila X-1, Ko Ono
- The luminosity function of X-ray sources in dwarf galaxies, Sara Saeedi
- Peculiar Lapse of Periodic Eclipsing Event at Low Mass X-ray Binary GRS 1747hBc12, Shigetaka Saji
- X-ray sources in the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Draco, Eda Sonbas
- Across the Eddington limit: examining disk spectra at high accretion rates, Andrew Sutton
Compact Objects I: BH and Neutron star systems, SN/GRBs
- The symbiosis of variable absorption and blurred reflection in the X-ray-absorbed Seyfert 1.5 galaxy NGC 4151, Tobias Beuchert
- Discovery of a fast transient outflow in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 985, Jacobo Ebrero
- Black Hole Spin Measurements in Lamp Post Geometry, Marco Fink
- A benchmark study of Active Galactic Nuclei: Decoupling luminosity and evolution in the SEDs of AGN, Eleni Kalfountzou
- Determination of the coronal properties of a very luminous quasar at z=1.77, Elias Kammoun
- Variability of the soft X-ray excess in IRAS,13224--3809, Elias Kammoun
- X-ray Spectral / Timing Analysis of PG 1211+143 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR, Andrew Lobban
- The curious case of the ultra fast wind in IRAS17020+4544: perspectives for the next decade, Anna Lia Longinotti
- Spectro-temporal diagnostics to evaluate physical structure around the AGN, Misaki Mizumoto
- Measuring the Innermost Stable Circular Orbits of Supermassive Black Holes, Lukas Zalesky
Compact Objects II: Supermassive black holes
- BLike: a Library for Background Subtraction at Low Statistics, Andrea Belfiore
- Highlighting XMM-Newton's Role in Time Domain Studies of Neutron Star and Black Hole X-ray binaries in Nearby Galaxies, Silas Laycock
- A novel approach to model EPIC variable background, Martino Marelli
- The EXTraS project: Automated source classification of new transient sources, Mirjam Oertel
- Unveiling long-term variability in XMM-Newton surveys within the EXTraS project, Simon Rosen
- Characterizing the Aperiodic Variability of 3XMM Sources using Bayesian Blocks, David Salvetti
- Searching for the most elusive X-ray transients with XMM-Newton, Andrea Tiengo
The time domain
- A Detailed Spatial Study of X-ray Properties in Superbubble 30 Dor C with XMM-Newton, Yasunori Babazaki
- Tycho: ambient medium structure by analysis of the supernova remnant, Vasyl Beshley
- The thermal and non-thermal X-rays in the young shell-like SNR RCW 86: the key role of the dense interstellar gas, Yasuo Fukui
- Searching for X-ray emission from the large-scale structure filaments between clusters, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi
- Modeling post-explosion anisotropies of ejecta in SNR Cassiopeia A, Salvatore Orlando
Diffuse emission I: SNRs, WHIM
- A metal-rich elongated structure in the core of the group, Tatiana Laganá
- Chemical enrichment in the hot intra-cluster medium seen with XMM-Newton/EPIC, François Mernier
- XMM-Newton analysis of a newly discovered, extremely X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at high redshift, Sophia Thoelken
Diffuse emission II: Large-scale Outflows, Clusters of Galaxies
- The 3XMM spectral fit database, Ioannis Georgantopoulos
- An X-ray study of the lower-luminosity LIRGs from GOALS, Núria Torres-Albà
- A million X-ray detections, Natalie Webb
- The 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey and the 250 ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Improved Point-Source Catalogs, Yongquan Xue
Surveys & Cosmology
- Peculiar neutron star Calvera in optical and X-rays, Andrey Danilenko
Invited Speakers
Invited and solicited speakers
David Alexander | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Monique Arnaud | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Alexey Boyarsky | Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands |
Xavier Barcons | Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander, Spain |
William N. Brandt | Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA |
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont | MSSL - University College London, United Kingdom |
Joel Bregman | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA |
Massimo Cappi | INAF/IASF-Bologna, Italy |
Eugene Churazov | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany |
Andrea Comastri | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy |
Jelle de Plaa | Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Anne Decourchelle | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Dominique Eckert | University of Geneva, Switzerland |
Andrew Fabian | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Frank Haberl | Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany |
Werner Hofmann | Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany |
Jelle Kaastra | SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Stefanie Komossa | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany |
Xavier Luri | Universitat de Barcelona, Spain |
Vicenzo Mainieri | European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany |
Ian McHardy | University Southampton, United Kingdom |
Matt Middleton | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Raffaella Morganti | Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands |
Fabrizio Nicastro | Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma-INAF, Italy |
Takaya Ohashi | Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan |
Marguerite Pierre | CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France |
Etienne Pointecouteau | IRAP, CNRS/Université de Toulouse, France |
Peter Predehl | Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany |
Gregor Rauw | Université de Liège, Belgium |
Nanda Rea | CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The Netherlands |
Thomas Reiprich | Argelander Institute for Astronomy, Bonn University, Germany |
Guido Risaliti | University of Florence, Italy |
Helen Russell | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Jürgen Schmitt | Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany |
Beate Stelzer | INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Belinda Wilkes | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA |
Scientific Organising Committee
Martin Ward (chair) | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Monique Arnaud | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Xavier Barcons | Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC), Santander, Spain |
Hans Böhringer | MPE, Garching, Germany |
Catherine Cesarsky | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Anne Decourchelle | CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France |
Chris Done | University of Durham, United Kingdom |
Ioannis Georgantopoulos | National Observatory of Athens, Greece |
Brian McBreen | University College Dublin, Ireland |
Richard Mushotzky | University of Maryland, College Park, USA |
Nanda Rea | CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The Netherlands |
Marco Salvati | INAF, Osservatorio di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy |
Craig Sarazin | University Virginia, Charlottesville, USA |
Norbert Schartel (co-chair) | European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain |
Jürgen Schmitt | Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany |
Beate Stelzer | INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy |
Local Organising Committee
Jan-Uwe Ness (chair), Michelle Arpizou, Jacobo Ebrero, Matthias Ehle, Carlos Gabriel, Idoia García, Cristina Hernández, Aitor Ibarra, Eleni Kalfountzou, Simone Migliari, Richard Saxton, Norbert Schartel, Ana Willis
XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid, Spain
Group Picture
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