PACS Documentation - Level 3 - Herschel
You are in PACS Level 3 content
Here you will find highly specialist technical PACS documentation for reference about the instrument, its data and data products and its operation. Be aware that many of the documents here are for historical reference only and may now be obsolete: these documents are intended mainly for the use of instrument experts.
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PACS Data Products Overview Documents
PACS Data Products
PACS Overview
- The Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) for the Herschel Space Observatory (SPIE, 2008)
- The PACS Instrument (EAS, 2009)
- The PACS Instrument (COSPAR, 2010)
- PACS Instrument Description Document II (2006)
- PACS Instrument Description Document III (2006)
PACS AOTs and AOT design
- Archive of calibration AORs, 2015, PACS ICC
- AOT description, 2010, VD
- Non-standard AORs for PACS photometer spatial calibration (2008)
- Photometer Point source AOT validation, Markus Nielbock, 09/11/2009
- Photometer Point source AOT validation: dithered vs non-dithered. Test case: asteroid 360 Carlova (2009)
- PACS PV phase photometer point source AOT evaluation: Test case HD139669 (2010)
- Preparing AOTs for the PACS photometer (2005)
- Photometer Point source AOT validation (2009)
- Simulations of the Point-Source AOT sensitivity (2009)
Performance and Calibration:
- PACS responsivity from standard star observations (2009)
- Flux estimates (in-orbit and OGSE) (2003)
- Asteroid Calibration Quality Information for COP and Early PV (2009)
Photometer Calibration
- The bandwidth of the PACS photometric system (2013)
- Surface brightness comparison of PACS blue array with IRAS and Spitzer/MIPS images (2011)
- PACS Photometer: Point source flux calibration (2011)
- Assessment analysis of the extended emission calibration for the PACS red channel (2012)
- Experiments in photometric measurements of extended sources (2013)
- Photometer point-source sensitivity at different scanspeeds (2009)
- Photometric calibration products - version tracking (2010)
Spectrometer Calibration
- Evolution of Telescope Background with Time by OD. (2014)
- Evolution of Telescope Background with Time by OD - comparison with test model. (2014)
- Linearity of the spectrometer signal - high flux calibration sources. (2013)
- Flatness of calibration sources: quick study (2013)
- PACS Spectrometer RSRF reconstruction from unchopped OFF-position scans (2012)
- Spectrometer Wavelength Calibration. (2010)
- Calibration source emissivity: test report (2009)
- PACS responsivity from standard star observations (2009)
- Use of late type stars for PACS wavelength calibration (2004)
- Flux estimates (in-orbit and OGSE) (2003)
- Response estimates from unchopped OFF-position scans. (2013)
- PACS Spectrometer simulated flux modulation by pointing jitter. (2012)
In-Flight Performance and Testing
- PACS Ge:Ga Detector tuning during the HSP commissioning phase (2008)
- PACS CoP – Chopper Open Loop Analysis Report (2009)
- Herschel-PACS Commissioning Phase GeGa Optimisation (2009)
- Herschel CP GeGa optimisation (2009)
- Commissioning Phase SPT Analysis Report on Calibration Sources (2009)
- PACS Chopper Stability verification during Commisioning Phase (2009)
- Photometer SPG during CP (2009)
- A Check for timing shifts of PACS Photometer data vs. pointing product (2012)
- PACS Pointing Calibration Sources (2010)
- Herschel/PACS modelled PSFs. Download the tarballs from: nbsp;(2010)
- Measuring the beams: wings (2015)
- First Summary of Neptune Beam Measurements. (2012)
- The derivation of the PACS spec beams from raster calibration observations (2011)
- PACS spectrometer spatial calibration (2012)
- Transient Investigation Monochromatic trends. (2013)
- PACS Photometer electric cross-talk analysis (2011)
- NEP measurements of the PACS photometer on OD453 (2011)
- NEP measurements of the PACS photometer on OD806 (2011)
- PACS Photometer time constant measurements on ODs 455 to 457 (2011)
- The drift of the bolometers gain (2009)
- Impact of seasonal changes on the telescope temperature on the PACS photometer (2009)
- Instrument background determination and red-side signal level investigation (2009)
- Vrl-VH blind calibration - readout circult transfer function calibration (2009)
- PACS photometry optimum bias monitoring (2012)
- In-orbit crosstalk in the PACS photometer (2009)
- Photometery red channel cross- talk (2009)
- "Trend and Anomalies": daily and long-term trend plots , space weather, ODs with anomalies over the mission, Christophe Jean and the PACS ICC
- Chopper stability (2011)
- PACS Chopper Dynamic Behaviour Verification (2009)
- PACS RSP – Chopper Open Loop Analysis Report (2010)
- Chopper frequency optimisation in the point source AOT (2009)
Focal Plane Geometry
- PACS spatial calibration files (2013)
- PACS Spatial coordinates cheat-sheet (2008)
- QSOs, RGs, and ULIRGS for PACS pointing calibration (2009)
- PACS sky fields and double sources for photometer spatial calibration (2008)
- Use of blazars for PACS spatial calibration (2008)
- Bright, isolated FIR sources for locating the PACS bolometers (2007)
- PACS FM Photometry focal plane units users manual (2009)
- PACS spectroscopy chop/nod FPG verification from line scan maps OD 135 -373 (2010)
Radiation effects
- Glitches and Herschel Bolometers (2012)
- Glitch rates on GeGa detector (2010)
- SEU Rate in the PACS DPU (2013)
- PACS Photometer glitch analysis on the electronics (2011)
Instrument Software
- DPU on-board software users manual (2008)
- DEC/MEC Users Manual (2008)
- HERSCHEL/PACS SPU HLSW User Manual (2009)
- HERSCHEl/PACS SPU HIGH LEVEL SOFTWARE Specification Document (2007)
- PACS OBCPs and DMC Sequences (2010)
Pre-Flight Testing
Laboratory Testing (Detectors)
- SOVT-2 Test Report: Dark current measurements in Spectroscopy (2009)
- Spikes on the blue bolometer signal (2008)
- Switch-On Bolometer Current Stability (2007)
- Spikes on the blue bolometer signal (2008)
- Switch-On Bolometer Current Stability (2007)
- Time Constants for flux changes in spectroscopy (2008)
- Dynamic Range per Selected Integration Capacitor Reset and Saturation Levels of Ge:Ga Detector Ramps (2008)
- Performance of the DDCS mode with an alternate sequencer (2007)
- Switch-on bolometer current stability (2007)
- Basic bias and non-linearity (2007)
- Are the three modes (Sbolo only, Sref only, Sbolo-Sref ) correctly interpreted? (2006)
- FM Proton Irradiation Tests High & Low Stress Modules I - Glitch Effects & Curing (2006)
- FM Proton Irradiation Tests High and Low Stress Modules II - Noise evolution Curing frequency and Detector settings (2006)
- Analysis of the October 2005 proton test data on the low-stress module (2006)
- Simulations and analysis of PACS Spectrometer Ramps under irradiation conditions - impact on science goals and AOT design (2006)
- Analysis of the December 2006 proton test data on the high- stress module and the 2006 cold performance tests on the high-stress module plus a re-analysis of the October 2005 proton test data on the low-stress module (2007)
- Geant4 Simulations of GeGa module behaviour under Proton Irradiation (2005)
- Geant4 Simulations of GeGa module behaviour under Proton Irradiation. II part - Tests of April 2005 (2006)
- Test Plan and Procedure for Investigation of Glitch Event Rate and Collected Charge Variation in the Ge:Ga Detectors during Proton Irradiation at UCL-CRC (2004)
- Test Plan and Procedure for Investigation of Glitch Event Rate and Collected Charge Variation in the Ge:Ga Detectors during Proton Irradiation at UCL-CRC (3rd test phase) (2005)
- Cold Performance Tests on FM High Stress GeGa-Detector Modules 2006)
- Fitting PACS ramps with analytical models. Part I (2004)
- Fitting PACS ramps with analytical models. Part II (2004)
- Fitting PACS ramps with analytical models Part III The IMEC model (2005)
- Analysis of the April 2005 proton test data (2006)
- Stressed Ge:Ga Detector Arrays for PACS and FIFI LS (2002)
Laboratory Testing (Chopper)
- The cold focal plane chopper of HERSCHEL's PACS instrument (2006)
- Chopper Synchronous Operation with Ge:Ga Detectors (2007)
- Basic Drive Parameters of PACS FS Chopper, Specific Torque,Open Loop Oscillation Frequency & Damping (2007)
- Angular Calibration and Zero Point Offset Determination of PACS FS Chopper at He II (2007)
- Basic Drive Parameters of PACS FM1 Chopper, Specific Torque, Open Loop Oscillation Frequency and Damping HeII (2007)
- Angular Calibration and Zero Point Offset Determination of PACS FM1 Chopper HeII (2007)
- Analysis of Warm Short Functional Tests (WSFT) of the PACS Chopper on Integrated System Level (2008)
- Angular Calibration and Zero Point Offset Determination of PACS FM1 Chopper (2007)
- Open Loop Measurements of Chopper (FS model) at Room Temperature (2007)
- Further Investigations of Chopper Angle vs. Current, and Specific Torque Behaviour (2006)
- Basic Drive Parameters Chopper Specific Torque, Open Loop Oscillation, Frequency, and Damping (2006)
- Angular Calibration of Chopper (2006)
- Special Investigation Chopper Angle vs. Current, Specific Torque, and Open Loop Behaviour (2006)
Laboratory Testing (Calibration Sources)
- Straylight on the internal calibration sources (2008)
- Emissivity of PACS calibration sources (2007)
- SFT (HeI conditions) of the Chopper and Internal Calibration Sources (2007)
- PACS Spectrometer Calibration Block - Implementation & Evaluation for pipeline and AOT design (2008)
Laboratory Testing (Other Systems)
- Chopper FOV scan (2009)
- OGSE Spots Observed from FOV Chopper Scans (2007)
- Bolometer FOV Chopper Scans (2007)
- Some plots from March 2007 tests related to bolometer PSF (2007)
- DEC/MEC Housekeeping Calibration Report (2007)
- Angular Calibration and Zero Point Offset FM1 Chopper HeII (2007)
- Bolometer FOV Chopper Scans (2007)
- Functional and Performance Tests of Mechanisms (Grating, Flasher, Heater, Filter Wheels) (2007)
- Report on the FM ILT PhFPU functional tests (2007)
- SFT Warm Chopper and Internal Calibration Sources (2006)
- Test Plan and Procedure for Detector Spectral Measurements at LENS (2001)
Pre-Flight Flight Model Instrument Level Test (FM-ILT)
- TimeOGSE Characterisation during CQM/FM ILT (Coming soon)
- GSE hole masks for ILT testing (2003)
- Contrast of observations with punched masks in PACS ILT(2002)
- Functional and Performance Test of PACS Internal Calibration Sources during cold FM ILT (2007)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Short Performance Test: PACS Setup of Photometry (2009)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Short Performance Test: 518 Test of internal calibration recipes in photometry (2009)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Full Functional Test: 413 Thermal Behaviour in Photometry (2009)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Full Functional Test: 405 Thermal Behaviour in Spectroscopy (2009)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Short Performance Test: 524 Test Pattern Photometry (2009)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Short Performance Test: PACS Setup of Photometry (2009)
- Pacs FM (ILT, IST, TVTB, CoP) Short Performance Test: 518 Test of internal calibration recipes in photometry (2009)
- Full Functional Test and Short Performance Test cooler report (2009)
- PACS Test analysis reports FM-ILT Part I (2008)
- PACS Test analysis reports FM-ILT Part II (2007)
- PACS Test analysis reports FM-ILT Part III (2007)
- Linearity of detector ramps during ILT (2009)
- Noise characteristics of detector ramps during ILT (2009)
- Basic Drive Parameters of PACS FM1 Chopper from FM ILT measurements at Room Temperature (2007)
- IMT511: Internal Calibration Sources Performances during cold FM ILT/IST (2007)
- Summary of Warm and Cold Short Functional Tests of PACS FS Chopper during FM ILT (2007)
- FM ILT3 Spectrometer Spatial Calibration (2007)
- IMT 504 Chopper Performance Test during cold FM-ILT/IST (2007)
- Bolometer Spatial calibration (2007)
- CRE check- out voltage test during ILT (2007)
- Cooler behavior during FM ILT (2007)
- Functional and performance test of PACS internal calibration sources during cold FMILT (2007)
- IMT511: Internal Calibration Sources Performances during cold FM ILT/IST (2007)
- Optimum Detector Bias Settings for Ge:Ga Detectors, Time Constant:Bias Change Spectrometer from FM-ILT/IST (2007)
- Dark current of Ge:Ga detectors from FMILT (2007)
- IMT 504 Chopper Performance Test during cold FM-ILT/IST (2007)
- Spectrometer NEP during FM-ILT3 (2007)
- Optimum Detector Bias Settings for Ge:Ga Detectors, Time Constant: Bias Change Spectrometer from FM-ILT/IST (2007)
- Dark Current of Ge:Ga Detectors from FM-ILT/IST (2007)
- Spectrometer Field of View Scan during FM-ILT/IST (2007)
- Thermal Behaviour Tests During FM-ILT: SPEC & PHOT (2007)
- FM-ILT 2 Spectrometer Spatial Calibration (2007)
- Thermal Behaviour Tests During FM-ILT: SPEC & PHOT (2007)
- Wavelength Calibration of FM ILT Phase 1 (2007)
- OGSE Characterisation during CQM/FM ILT (2006)
- Bolometer Spatial Calibration (2007)
Data Processing
- The Herschel PACS Pipeline Extensions: Making Tasks and Scripts Suitable for Interactive and Automatic Processing (2012)
- Recording the History of Herschel Data Processing in the Data Products (2011)
Photometer General
- Detecting and flagging saturated pixels in the PACS pipeline (2013)
- Deglitching PACS Photometer Data (2011)
- PACS photometer calibration block analysis (2013)
- First results with the boloSource() algorithm (2013)
- Artifact removal for GLS map makers by means of post-processing (2012)
- Faint linear artefact in PACS photometer (2010)
- Inverse time-time correlation noise calibration data (2009)
- MMT deglitching in the presence of digitisation noise (2009)
Photometer Mappers
- Noise characterization of PACS photometer mini-maps processed with JScanam (2018)
- Least Squares Image Estimation for Large Data in the Presence of Noise and Irregular Sampling (2017)
- PACS map-making tools: analysis and benchmarking (2014)
- Unimap and the PACS flux calibration (2013)
- What I understand, or don't, about back-projection (2011)
- MADMap extended source calibration I: The Blue Channel (2010)
- PACS photometric check: MADmap vs photProject (2010)
- MADmap users guide (2010)
- MADmap processing (2009)
- Comparison between photProject and MOPEX (2009)
Spectrometer General
- Transients correction for the unchopped mode (2016)
- Pointing Offset Correction pipeline flowchart (2016)
- Pointing Offset Correction pipeline tasks (2015)
- Technical Note on Cube Interpolation Validation. (2014)
- PACS-S SpecInterpolate Validation and Testing. (2014)
- specBaselineEstmator() and specFlatFieldRange2(). (2013)
- The HERSCHEL/PACS Spectrometer Pipeline (2009)
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