The CU4 meeting #15 took place at the Italian National Research Council in the suburbs of Florence.
From left to right, top to bottom: Eric Van Hemelryck, Daniel Hestroffer, Christos Siopis, François Mignard, Yassine Damerdji, Jerome Berthier, Panagiotis Gavras, Laurent Galluccio, Thierry Morel, Benoit Frezouls, Eric Poujoulet, Dimitri Pourbaix, Laurent Galluccio, Paolo Tanga, Ramachrisna Teixeira, Gonzalo Gracia, Timo Prusti, William Thuillot, Thierry Pauwels, Jean-Louis Halbwachs, Eric Gosset, Hanna Pentikäinen, Karri Muinonen, Alessandro Sozzetti, Alberto Cellino, Guylaine Prat, Gavin Walmsley, Marco Delbo, Christine Ducourant, Alberto Krone-Martins, Pedro David, Frédéric Arenou, Aldo Dell'Oro
Image: courtesy of Frédéric Arenou.
[Published: 05/06/2013 ]